Achieving successful sourcing results over the long term requires a substantial and sustained effort. The risks faced by companies when moving some or all of their manufacturing off shore can be mitigated by following a careful and conservative approach to the task. We utilize a 5 step approach as described below:

Where We Improve Sourcing Results

Companies take on the risks and uncertainties of off shore sourcing and procurement to achieve two
strategic objectives:

  Reduce product costs: Improve operating margins
  Expand revenue opportunities: Execute enterprise growth

By accomplishing these objectives, companies achieve significant benefits gains across their value chain.

Building Strategic Sourcing

Improving sourcing results means managing the value chain closer to the source of supply.
We help clients through initial phases of sourcing. Then move up the value chain to build “virtual” factories
In China. Clients improve pricing, control vendor capacity, manage QA/QC, speed up deliveries,
reduce inventory risks and accelerate innovation. 


Reduce procurement costs
compared to home markets.

In Country Agents:
Expand vendor options and
further reduce purchase prices

Factory Direct:
Buying directly from vendors
enhances controls and may
further reduce prices.  

Optimized Vendor Networks:
Creating a network of dedicated
vendors provides clients with
a “virtual” factory of their own
in China.  This approach enables
greater speed, better inventory control
localized innovation and substantially
improved margins.

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